Whether you believe in an afterlife or not, there's no getting past it. You die. Your life ends. All of the things that you accomplish in your life will cease to matter to you. You decompose, rot away, and eventually, as your subsequent generations also eventually die out, the tenuous influence you still held on the universe will crumble and fade away. No matter how famous you eventually became, the human race will eventually move on, and forget entirely about you.
So. If this is the case, why does anything matter?
It's a tough question to ask. The truth is, in a cosmic sense, nothing matters. Everything will end, all sentient thought will eventually cease. All signs that any of us were ever here will disappear. And humans, as a species, when we inevitably kill ourselves off, will not be missed. Not by the planet we abused and overused, not by the species' we hunted to the brink of extinction. Not by anyone.
Like I said. It's a tough question to ask. It's an even harder answer to hear.
So, what's the point of living, if we will eventually die?
Well, the key to understanding this is to not worry about the cosmic sense of things.
That's it. Simply not care. Yes, you will die. Yes, it will probably hurt. No, no one will miss you. So.
Now that that's out of the way, go live your life. You are free, completely and totally. Free in the knowledge that, no matter what you do while you live, you will be eventually freed of the burdens of care, of memory, of guilt and hate. Now, that being said, don't live solely for today. People who live only for today always end up quickly shortening the amount of 'todays' that they will have.
Rather, live for your life. Live to have the memories, to have the experiences. Live to live, fully and completely, with no fear of what people think. Live enough that, should you be lucky enough to have time to contemplate on your life before you die, that you feel full. You think to yourself "It was a good life. Not the fullest. Not the most important or complete, by any means. But it was my life. And that's enough."