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Sunday, October 2, 2011

Rock Out

You have just been given a direct order.
You know the drill.

Rock out like like your limbs are failing.. Like you got your friends, four controllers, and eighteen levels of nothin' but headshots.

 Like the colors you see are all that you want and need

Rock out like your mind has just been blown, and you have neither the time nor the patience to pick all the pieces off the wall behind you, so you fill that gaping void with as much soul as you can muster.

Rock out like you're in the middle of nowhere, and you've got enough decibel-powered ordnance to signal the coming apocalypse, but you don't care because God made the universe just so you could get through this next solo.
Rock out like Odin himself just came down from Valhalla, handed you a shield and a sword and told you to go kill some mutha ****in' frost giants.

Rock out like everyone else said rock was dead, but you know that legends never die, so rock out like Rock is just really, really hung over from last night's gig.
Rock out like you invented it, like Death himself is standing next you, tapping his watch. Rock out  like you're Jimmy, both Page and Hendrix, and you can't breathe unless you got a guitar in your twitching fingers.

Rock out like you see that girl. Then you see her boyfriend next to her. Like they're arguing. Like you see him lose his dumbass temper, and shove her to the ground. And, in that single, incandescent moment, as all the devils in your hands rub their newly awakened eyes, and every Rage Against the Machine song you've ever heard starts playing in your head, you lash out in glorious, blinding fury, and the avenging angel whistles in admiration.

Rock out like that ink under your skin means something.
Like you got a girl, a car,  a thousand dollars, and the weight of the world to push off your shoulders.
Like you don't have a girl, or a car, but dammit you still got the thousand, and twenty four hours to find either, or both.

Rock out like the love of your life has an hour, twelve minutes and thirty-five seconds to live, and nothing you do in your life after that time will mean as much.

Rock out like Heaven's dead, so you're gonna stand on it's grave and dance to it's favorite song.

Rock out like you are a steam powered, ironclad machine, constructed from the broken pieces of every dream you ever had, and you've got only open skies and falling ash to fly through.

Rock out like everyone you know is with you, and everyone else is dead set against.

Because you've got headphones, pounding with the voices of those who came before, and you've got a heart, pouring out hope for those who will come after.
You know you're not a god.
But rock out like you are.


William R. Holden said...

rock out like heavens dead?
heaven as in heaven and hell?
like god is dead,
there is no heaven, and no hell,
so why care?

wicked good dawg.

effervescent laughter said...


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