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Monday, December 12, 2011

Awaken, and Wonder.

This is for the kids too tired to learn.
This is for the skinny kids.
This is for the boys whose hands won't stop shaking when they talk to girls, this is for the girls who spend their days taking endless walks through those boys heads.
This is for the divorced couples, for the people too old to drive.

This is for you.  Awaken, and Wonder.
For the world is wider than you know.

This is for a generation struggling to find itself, lost in the legacies of generations past.
This is for those with their eyes swathed in the smoky heat of hatred and misunderstanding. Know that I have tread where you now stand, and know the path of sermons and chapel seats that lead you there.
This is for children, smothered by their parents rusted iron wings.

This is for you. Awaken, and Wonder.
For the world is wider than you were told.

This is for the kids with bottled lightning inside, waiting for a hammer to open it all on up.
This is for the kids with wisps of smoke leaking from their fingertips, hardly containing the urge to make, and make again.
This is for the empty spaces.
This is for those who have been bathed in the broken light of unforgetting.
This is for those who took the Red Pill.
This is for those who Question Everything.

Welcome. Did you all enjoy your naps?
Good. Now.
Make sure that by the time you finish reading this, the ghosts in your veins have all gone.
Because it's not up to me, however often i wish it were.
Make sure that your wounds have folded over, that your blind eyes have been touched by the stark white hands of the blank abyss, you make sure that your sins have not been forgiven.
Because absolution is for those with something to prove.
Scorecards are for puppets, playing games.
And hatred is the tool of an unknowing man, carving crosses into the chins of children.

Awaken, and Wonder.
Because this is for you, well and truly.
For the world is wider than the length and breadth of thought, and deeper than the furthest caves of the our imagining.
Awaken, and wonder.


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